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Understanding Omnichannel Marketing

Is Omnichannel Marketing a Trend or Necessity?

Lately, you may have heard a lot about the omnichannel approach in marketing. But is it just a fashionable trend or a necessity driven by market realities?

How Does Omnichannel Work?

At the heart of this system is CRM (Customer Relationship Management), which connects various elements like web analytics, traffic channels, cross-channel analytics, automated messaging (email, messengers, SMS), user profiles, mobile apps, websites, services, programs, and widgets that enhance visitor conversion. It also includes systems for predicting user behavior, various bonus programs, discount cards, and coupons.

In an ideal scenario, with every contact, whether online or offline, consumers would continue their communication with the company. They would understand that each purchase and interaction is valuable. Based on their overall experience, they would receive certain bonuses, ultimately increasing loyalty and leading to higher average spending and customer lifetime value (LTV).

Breaking Down the Omnichannel System

Let’s look at the overall system as a combination of three main modules: customer acquisition channels, communication channels, and post-sales service.

Integrating Traffic Acquisition Channels into the Omnichannel Concept

Effective promotion of products, services, and companies as a whole involves using a multitude of traffic channels (multichannel approach). This is an important part of omnichannel marketing, but it doesn’t end with the sale. Multichannel traffic channels primarily impact the early stages of the customer’s journey. A systematic approach extends beyond the point of purchase, with multichannel and cross-channel analytics working together.

Multiple traffic channels come together, maximizing the number of interactions between the company and the customer. For example, a customer’s journey might begin with display and targeted advertising, followed by the inclusion of SEO and search advertising. Email marketing, remarketing, social media marketing (SMM), and content marketing work at various stages of the customer’s journey. These are just some of the possible touchpoints with consumers.

Omnichannel – A Modern Approach to Marketing and Sales

Many Benefits of Omnichannel

Omnichannel Communication

A key component of this comprehensive system is the ability for customers to contact the company through various convenient means: phone, email, messengers, online chat, social media, and chatbots. The essence is to make the initial step as easy as possible and the communication comfortable. Every contact is recorded in a shared database, combined with information about the number of ads, newsletters, and other interactions.

Omnichannel After the Sale

Post-sales service is the next step in the customer’s journey. It includes product/service usage, repeat purchases, service support, customer loyalty, and the inclination to recommend the company to others. In terms of omnichannel marketing, this involves consistently maintaining interest through marketing campaigns, the ability to contact the company at any time, easy communication, and special benefits for loyal customers.

Modern data processing systems, aided by neural networks, are becoming more efficient at predicting user preferences and offering them relevant products. In the coming years, such systems will predict the customer’s journey from the very first interaction, allowing for tailored marketing efforts for each individual customer.

In conclusion, omnichannel marketing is not just a trend but an absolute necessity in competitive environments for both online stores and large retail chains, whether they operate online or offline.

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